Wednesday, May 27, 2009

General X has a BLATANT BITER

Well, they say imitation is the highest form of flattery...but i don't see it

check out this guy "magnumb" who literally bit my entire lifes work & trying to take credit for it on some bullshit textcee forum....not only me, but old school spitzo tracks, he even gots some habeas & lips on one jawn

copy & paste

if you scroll through the 15 pages of crappy, choppy & utterly wack ass text rhymes, you'll come to find that this nincompoop gots damn near every general x track on the internet. he's cuts & modifys my lyrics here & there to make it not so obvious, however, it's clear whos rhymes these really are. getting props from other heads on the site on some "damn that shits sick, i'd buy your cd just buy reading the lyrics"

no you wont buy his cd..........cause he doesnt have one

but I do.

& heres a message for mr mangnumb, because i KNOW you're reading this shit jacking off to my new cuts as we speak..
i know who you are, i know where you reside in phoenix............& im coming for you

you are being head hunted as i type....

death to biters

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