Monday, June 22, 2009

Fab Deuce Ft. Juicy the Emissary - Makin Sumthin (Juicy Remix)

this track was originally over a Jake One beat and submitted during that RSE contest that popped off almost a year ago...Texas has been poking out its little hip hop head lately, and im not referring to Houston, check out my homies from Denton, TX

DOWNLOAD: Fab Deuce Ft. Juicy the Emissary - Makin Sumthin (Juicy Remix)

here's also a short but sweet interview with Pudge of Fab Deuce who also is the brother of BLAINE, who is also in the group along with L.O.N.E.

they were recently up in the bay with Rec-League's own Richie Cunnin rippin up the radio with kevvy kev

this isnt really much of an interview just a convo between two emcees who were acquainted recently this year

frustrateddeath: (8:09:40 PM) i heard that freestyle on the radio u did with richie cunning
pudgewearspants: (8:09:45 PM) lol
pudgewearspants: (8:09:47 PM) that shit was fun
frustrateddeath: (8:10:04 PM) what year did that happen in?
frustrateddeath: (8:10:14 PM) before i met u right?
pudgewearspants: (8:11:15 PM) nah
pudgewearspants: (8:11:20 PM) that was in april
frustrateddeath: (8:11:57 PM) was that on a well known station in the bay?
pudgewearspants: (8:12:13 PM) yea
pudgewearspants: (8:12:21 PM) kevvy kev has been doin it out ther forever
pudgewearspants: (8:12:25 PM) it was live and shit
frustrateddeath: (8:12:39 PM) thats dope
frustrateddeath: (8:12:44 PM) was it hard to not cuss?
pudgewearspants: (8:12:55 PM) haah
pudgewearspants: (8:13:02 PM) yea
pudgewearspants: (8:13:05 PM) i cuss alot
pudgewearspants: (8:13:07 PM) and so does lone
frustrateddeath: (8:13:40 PM) did u practice editing urself before u went up there?
frustrateddeath: (8:13:54 PM) i dont know how easily i could censor myself
frustrateddeath: (8:14:06 PM) none of it seemed rehearsed
frustrateddeath: (8:14:16 PM) besides the fact of the written lyrics
pudgewearspants: (8:14:20 PM) yea
pudgewearspants: (8:14:32 PM) it was weird doing that
pudgewearspants: (8:14:38 PM) because it was us
pudgewearspants: (8:14:40 PM) and that dude
pudgewearspants: (8:14:41 PM) djing
pudgewearspants: (8:14:43 PM) and thats it
pudgewearspants: (8:14:52 PM) and it was like 6 pm or something
pudgewearspants: (8:15:16 PM) not exactly typical rapping scenario
frustrateddeath: (8:15:46 PM) thats a good time slot to be on the radio, i'd think
pudgewearspants: (8:16:04 PM) yea
pudgewearspants: (8:16:08 PM) it was alot of fun
frustrateddeath: (8:16:27 PM) i seen thesaurus rockin rec league shirts at his battles
pudgewearspants: (8:16:48 PM) i did a show with the saurs and rec league the night before that radio show
frustrateddeath: (8:17:01 PM) oh, thats dope
frustrateddeath: (8:18:17 PM) lol yeah
pudgewearspants: (8:18:58 PM) we are starting to record the new fab deuce album next week
pudgewearspants: (8:19:01 PM) im super amped
frustrateddeath: (8:19:18 PM) dope, where at?
frustrateddeath: (8:19:40 PM) its just been difficult to get the crew together?
pudgewearspants: (8:20:01 PM) nah
frustrateddeath: (8:20:05 PM) u guys made a conscious decision to start a new album recently
pudgewearspants: (8:20:28 PM) well alot of it is stuff that we already perform
pudgewearspants: (8:20:36 PM) but lone got a new pre amp
pudgewearspants: (8:20:42 PM) and we are ordering a new mic.
frustrateddeath: (8:20:59 PM) oh nice
frustrateddeath: (8:22:06 PM) ive been workin on a little solo project
pudgewearspants: (8:22:15 PM) me to
pudgewearspants: (8:22:20 PM) my ish should be done by end of july
pudgewearspants: (8:22:32 PM) im down to hear your solo shit
frustrateddeath: (8:22:37 PM) my computer crashed tho so i gotta re-install logicpro to make beats on again
frustrateddeath: (8:22:48 PM) hell yeah, ur shit is almost done than
frustrateddeath: (8:23:15 PM) im gonna put this little convo on my blog as an "interview" if thats cool
frustrateddeath: (8:24:10 PM) convo with pudge
frustrateddeath: (8:24:25 PM) u have any links where i can download ur album on the net?
frustrateddeath: (8:24:37 PM) the fab deuce shit i mean
pudgewearspants: (8:24:44 PM)
pudgewearspants: (8:24:48 PM) o shit
pudgewearspants: (8:24:49 PM) my bad
pudgewearspants: (8:25:04 PM) the mumbojumbogumbogrooves album?
frustrateddeath: (8:25:29 PM) whatever is available that u wouldnt mind me putting on my blog
frustrateddeath: (8:25:45 PM) or i can just make a zip of that demo mixtape album type deal u gave me
frustrateddeath: (8:26:22 PM)
frustrateddeath: (8:26:40 PM) thats my blog btw...i almost just put new albums for free download
frustrateddeath: (8:26:49 PM) i mostly just put up****
pudgewearspants: (8:26:50 PM) damn
pudgewearspants: (8:26:53 PM) this site is tight
frustrateddeath: (8:27:29 PM) thanx...i update atleast twice a week
pudgewearspants: (8:27:37 PM) lets see
pudgewearspants: (8:27:54 PM) how do you feel about just posting one song of ours for now?
frustrateddeath: (8:28:00 PM) thats fine
pudgewearspants: (8:28:02 PM) something not alot of folks have heard
pudgewearspants: (8:28:04 PM) i will email it to you
frustrateddeath: (8:28:07 PM) dope
pudgewearspants: (8:28:32 PM) wait
pudgewearspants: (8:28:35 PM) i can do it on here
pudgewearspants: (8:29:06 PM) fab deuce featuring juicy the emissary
frustrateddeath: (8:29:21 PM) dope
frustrateddeath: (8:29:30 PM) Transfer completed:makin sumthin juicy remix.mp3
pudgewearspants: (8:31:08 PM) how long have you been operating this site?
frustrateddeath: (8:31:10 PM) sweet
frustrateddeath: (8:31:31 PM) just after 4/20
pudgewearspants: (8:31:35 PM) nice
pudgewearspants: (8:31:46 PM) fun fact..this song was actually the track we submitted for the jake one contest
pudgewearspants: (8:31:50 PM) but juc made a new beat for it
frustrateddeath: (8:32:24 PM) ahh, nice, doesnt even sound like a remix
pudgewearspants: (8:32:37 PM) juicy is smooth with that shit
frustrateddeath: (8:33:50 PM) i try and keep up with my blog daily, its hard to find new albums tho, labels are doing better at not letting them leak
pudgewearspants: (8:34:06 PM) yea
frustrateddeath: (8:34:15 PM) i've had busta's new album up there, and mos defs new album up there for free download
pudgewearspants: (8:34:19 PM) im down to submit some stuff every now and then
pudgewearspants: (8:34:20 PM) damn
pudgewearspants: (8:34:22 PM) good look
frustrateddeath: (8:34:23 PM) some how the labels can delete my blogs
pudgewearspants: (8:34:30 PM) thats crazy
pudgewearspants: (8:34:37 PM) the new meth and red album is pretty tight
pudgewearspants: (8:34:44 PM) blackout 2
frustrateddeath: (8:34:47 PM) i get warning emails and stuff
frustrateddeath: (8:35:07 PM) oh yeah for sure...i have the mixtape before that up...havent gotten around to putting that one up
pudgewearspants: (8:35:17 PM) nice
frustrateddeath: (8:35:54 PM) nice talking to u tho man, ill check u later...whats ur email address btw?
frustrateddeath: (8:35:59 PM) idk if i have it
pudgewearspants: (8:36:10 PM) yea we are on your mailing list i believe
pudgewearspants: (8:36:16 PM) i just checked it and had some stuff from you
frustrateddeath: (8:36:17 PM) oh yeah
frustrateddeath: (8:36:22 PM) the fabdeuce one
frustrateddeath: (8:36:24 PM) i remember
pudgewearspants: (8:36:25 PM) yea
pudgewearspants: (8:36:32 PM) thats the only one i have
frustrateddeath: (8:36:44 PM) werd
pudgewearspants: (8:36:53 PM) later man
pudgewearspants: (8:36:56 PM) good talking to you
frustrateddeath: (8:37:22 PM) peac

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